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Commercial Litigation
We are committed to resolving disputes as efficiently as possible, offering advice that is both practical and commercial as well as exploring alternative methods of dispute resolution (including mediation). Our peers recognise, however, that we are tough opponents and respect our record in delivering results for clients in major litigation.

Jurmatrix has highly regarded teams in Russia and abroad ranging from the world’s major financial centres to the emerging markets, who are focused on contentious issues arising in a wide range of commercial contexts.

We represent clients in all stages of domestic and international litigation, in established and emerging markets. Our integrated practice structure provides clients with strong support, no matter where they are. We regularly collaborate with our lawyers who are skilled in antitrust, international arbitration, intellectual property and environmental law, as well as our industry professionals.

From the onset of a dispute through to resolution, we help our clients make well-informed decisions. Our experience in cross-border contentious matters, technical capabilities and strong geographic coverage gives us the insight to advise them through the complex issues that can accompany large and sophisticated transactions.

We help our clients implement measures to ensure that, wherever possible, they do not become embroiled in disputes. If a dispute arises, we ensure that they are equipped with the resources, experience and knowledge to reach a prompt and successful resolution.

We are members of CIArb

Our partners are members of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, The world’s leading qualifications and professional body for dispute avoidance and dispute management. CIArb is an international centre of excellence for the practice and profession of alternative dispute resolution.

It also acts as a global hub for practitioners, policy makers, academics and those in business, supporting the global promotion, facilitation and development of all ADR methods.

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How we can help
At Jurmatrix, our lawyers draw upon their extensive experience, trusted judgment and insight to develop a customized strategy—always with your specific business objectives at top of mind. Together, we tackle challenges efficiently and effectively so that you can move ahead.
  • Commercial disputes
    Based on successful experience in supporting and protecting our client’s interests at all stages of complex commercial disputes, our experts assist in the following:
    • Analyzing the situation and identifying critical risk areas
    • Developing and implementing contingency defense measures
    • Assisting in pre-action correspondence with opponents
    • Developing and implementing appropriate strategies to protect client’s interests in court
    • Gathering documents and evidence, including but not limited to arranging of expert research, notarial examination of evidence, attorney requests, witness interviews, etc.
    • Assisting in negotiations with opponents and amicable settlement of the dispute
    • We also represent the interests of creditors and debtors at all stages of bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Corporate disputes
    Jurmatrix provides a broad range of services related to corporate disputes:
    • Consultations on any matters related to corporate law; Assessment of the prospects for the pre-trial resolution of a dispute. In case of failure of the pre-trial settlement, our experts will prepare all the necessary documents to represent the client’s interests in the arbitration court;
    • Protection of the violated rights of shareholders, both in court and out of court (including disputes about deprivation of access to information on the company, violation of the right to receive a share of profits, other violations of the legitimate demands of shareholders);
    • Challenging of deals that are unfavorable for the company and which lead to its insolvency or alienation of property;
    • Recovery from the director of losses incurred by the company as a consequence of his or her unprofessional or illegal actions.
  • Intellectual property disputes
    Jurmatrix lawyers advise and represent the interests of technology companies in disputes on a wide range of issues related to intellectual property and software development.
    We protect the exclusive rights of our clients to copyright, trademarks, patents, trade names and manage disputes in courts of the USA, Russia, EU and UK.
    We understand the specifics of software development, how the source code differs from machine code, how Agile development is organized, and who the SCRUM master is, what American courts understand by the terms merger doctrine and scène à faire, how positional trademarks look like, and a considerable understanding of many ‘local’ issues.

    Jurmatrix also has experience in copyright piracy prevention in Russia, assists disputes settlement between developers, customers, and publishers, looks after the clients' interests in domain names disputes, and enforces exclusive rights to apps on Apple and Google platforms.
  • Disputes involving public authorities
    When doing business, we often encounter unlawful or even absurd instructions, orders and resolutions of state authorities that can seriously damage the business and sometimes threaten its very existence.
    Jurmatrix offers you services for challenging the decisions of state authorities – courts, bailiffs, tax inspections, supervisory bodies, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and other governmental bodies. Our lawyers will help you to analyze the situation and understand whether the disturbing decision of a governmental body is lawful and legitimate, and shall execute the most efficient methods of challenging.

    Representing the clients in courts on challenging the unlawful decisions of the tax authorities is a specific legal practice, which is different from other dispute resolution cases and often unreacheable to other lawyers of general expertise. Feel free to engage our professionals and we will help you to protect your rights in court and contest the abuse of discretion by the tax authorities.
  • Recovery of debts
    Modern business realities make many companies face the problem of non-repayment of given loans and debts. Procedure of their recovery is often connected with many unpleasant moments and inconveniences: unwillingness of a debtor to enter into negotiations, necessity to bring its money recovery to the court and so on. The whole pool of debt is very heterogeneous, it is accompanied by many procedural peculiarities, and legal assistance for debts recovery becomes not just a convenience, but a necessity.

    Company employees who perform their direct responsibilities quite well, may have no experience of conducting such procedures or no knowledge of process peculiarities. That is why engaging relevant organizations completely justifies the costs of services - procedure of debt recovery will be conducted by experts who have relevant competences.
  • Mediation
    This service may be of interest to owners of companies facing the need to reformat their business, restructure debt, require advice and mediation in resolving disputes with counterparties and public authorities. Moreover, mediators can participate in bankruptcy proceedings helping to resolve claims of creditors including those against persons controlling debtor under subsidiary liability.

    Our company will put at your disposal professional mediators - specialists in particular area in which there is a dispute or conflict. They can fully take on burden of negotiations, including in case of acute conflict situation, as well as perform function of representation to counterparties, state and municipal authorities. In special cases, partners of the company can participate in case.
We can call you back
If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know
or call us +7 495 764 40 12
If you are an active client, please get in touch with your usual Jurmatrix contact directly.

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  • +7 495 001-02-03
  • +44 911 001-02-03
  • 1st Krasnogvardeysky proezd, 1, Moscow, 123317, Russia
  • Tallis House, 2 Tallis St, Blackfriars, London EC4Y 0AB, United Kingdom

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